


Anime Club       


Kara DiGiorgio

[email protected] 


Meeting 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month at 2:25 pm

Rm. 11-157





Asian Student Association


Brandon Bangle

[email protected]


Meeting every month on Tuesday at 2:30 pm

Rm. 824

Astronomy Club


Barry Hall

[email protected]

Meeting Twice A Month on Wednesday 1:30 pm

Rm. 627

Battle of The Books


Joy Harrigan

[email protected]

Meeting Once A Week, During Lunch on Thursday

Rm. Media Center

Best Buddies


Nick Balkevicius

[email protected] 

Interest/ Philanthropy

Meeting once per month on Thursday 2:45 pm

Rm. 603

Book Club


Somaily Cabrera

[email protected] 

leisure/ interest

Meeting every other Thursday 2:30 pm

Rm. 505


Caribbean Student Association


Yanique Smith

[email protected]

Meeting every Thursday at 2:35 pm

Rm. 562


Patricia Norton

[email protected]

Meeting once a Month on Thursday 2:35 pm

Rm. 602

Culinary Club

Michael Lit

[email protected] 

Cooking and Baking

Meeting once a month on Wednesday 2:30 pm

Rm. 625C

Cultural Club

Laurie S. Jayne-Read

ESOL/ELL students Supporting each other

Meetings one Friday per month during A & B lunch in 606 



Kristina Bryant 

[email protected] 


Meeting 1-2 times a Month on Wednesday 1:30 pm

Rm. 620

Environmental Action Club


Gloria Boisvert 

[email protected]

Interest/ Activism

Meeting once a Month on Thursday 2:30 pm

Rm. 526








Jack Mcmahon

[email protected]

Competitive Gaming

Meeting Monday & Tuesday every Week 3:00 pm

Rm. 420






Patrecia Daniley- Porter 

[email protected]

Meeting every week on Friday during A & B Lunch

Rm. 309

French Club (National Honor Society)

Alcidia Lopes

[email protected] 

NHS/ Cultural Club

Meeting biweekly on Tuesday at 2:30 pm

Rm. 560D

Future Farmers of America

Heather Mitchell

[email protected] 


Meeting once or twice a Week on Tuesday 2:30 pm

Rm. 418A

Freshman Class

Cayenne Dansby

[email protected]


Meetings once per month - part of Olympia SGA

Gay Straight Alliance

Kelly O’Mara and Kristina Carr

[email protected]

Meetings every other Friday at 2:30 in 531






Lara Ibarra

[email protected] 


Meeting every 2 weeks on Wednesday 1:20 pm

Rm. 216



K. April brown

[email protected]

Meeting 2 times a month on Wednesday at 1:30 pm

Rm. 216


Nicole Bagheri

[email protected] 

Healthcare Interest

Meeting 2 times a month on Thursday at 2:30

Rm. 610

Italian Club (National Honor Society)

Sabrina Nausadis

[email protected] 

Interest Club/ Honor Society

Meeting twice a month on Wednesday at 1:30 pm

Rm. 558


Impact Club

Jaime Clancy, Ashley Dantinor

[email protected] 


Meeting twice a month on Monday 2:30 pm

Rm. 537 or 538

Interact Club

Cayenne Dansby

[email protected] 

Interest/ Philanthropy

Meetings once per month

Room 427

Italian club

Sabrina Nausadis

[email protected]

Meeting once or twice a Month on Wednesday at 1:20 pm

Rm. 558

Junior class

Cayenne Dansby 

[email protected]


Meetings once per month - part of Olympia SGA

Room 427

Key Club

Cayenne Dansby

[email protected] 


Meetings on the first Tuesday of every month

Room 427

Marine science club

Christine boudoir

[email protected]

Meeting once or twice a month on Thursday at 2:30

Rm. 508

Muslim Student Association


Emma Tablada

[email protected]


Meeting twice a Month on Wednesday at 1:45 pm

Rm. 556

Mu Alpha Theta Club


Donald yeh

[email protected]


Meeting twice a month on Friday at 2:00 pm

Rm. 611 


National Technical Honor Society

Erika Dilluvio 

[email protected]

Honor Society

National English Honors Society (NEHS)


Jack Graham

[email protected] 

Honor Society

Meeting once a month on Tuesday at 2:20 pm

Rm. Titan Cafe/Cafeteria


NAHS- National Art Honor Society


Joanna Levine

[email protected] 

National Honor Society

Meetings rotate monthly 

Rm. 536C

National Honor Society


Ashley Danitor

[email protected]

National honor society 

Meeting twice a month on Thursday at 2:20 pm

Rm. 538


Olympia Drone and Rocketry


John Raulerson

[email protected]

Meetings every Thursday 2:30-3:30 pm

Rm. 527B

Operation Smiles 


Yanique Smith

[email protected]

Meetings biweekly on Tuesday 2:30-3:30 pm

Rm. 562

Paw Club

Joanna Levine

[email protected]


Meetings rotate monthly 

Rm. 536C

Pickleball Club


Stephanie Johnson Possell

[email protected] 

Activity/ Club Sports

Meeting weekly in Fall and Winter, monthly in Spring on Tuesdays at 2:30 pm

Rm. 211

Portuguese National Honor Society


Alcidia Lopes

[email protected] 

Honor Society

Meeting Bi-weekly on Thursday at 2:30 pm

Rm. 560D

Psychology Club


Kimberly Elkins

[email protected]


Meetings once a month on Tuesday 2:30 pm

Rm. 630 

Quiz Bowl

Michael Pearl

[email protected]

Academic Competitions

Meeting weekly on Monday at 2:30 pm

Rm. 536

Real World Design

John Raulerson

[email protected]


Meeting 3 times a week on Wednesday, online at 6:00 pm

Rm. 527B

Red Cross


Alan Greenwald

[email protected]

Service Organization

One Tuesday per month at 2:30 pm

Rm. 630

Rho Kappa


Kimberly Elkins

[email protected] 

Honor Society

One Thursday per month at 2:30 pm

Rm. 630


Rock ‘n Roll Club


Heather Waddell

[email protected]

Social club

One Wednesday per month at 1:15 pm

Rm. 541

Science Bowl


Sam Davis


[email protected] 

Every Friday at 2:30 pm

Rm. 624

Science National Honor Society


Alan Greenwald


[email protected] 

One Thursday a month at 2:30 pm

Rm. 624

Science Olympiad


Sam Davis


[email protected] 

On Wednesday -- will be announced in advance Rm. 541

Senior Class


Michael Pearl


[email protected] 

Meetings once per month- part of Olympia SGA

Shutter Society


Lara Ibarra

[email protected] 


Every other Monday 2:30

Rm. 216

Sophomore class

Cayenne Dansby 

[email protected]

Interest/ Philanthropy

Meetings once per month- part of Olympia SGA

Room 427

Spanish Club


Clarimar Carattini Hernandez

[email protected] 

Culture Appreciation

Every Tuesday at 2:30 pm

Rm. 564

Spanish National Honor Society


Clarimar Carattini Hernandez

[email protected] 

National Honor Society

Every Tuesday 2:30 pm

Rm. 564



Speech and Debate


Aimee Hirten

Speech/Debate Competition

[email protected] 

Practices are M, T, W, TH  1 hour after School

Rm. 434C


Student athletic training aides


Amy harrell 

[email protected]

Health club

Meeting every month on Monday at 2:30 pm.

Rm. 433





Sports Reporting


Lara Ibarra


[email protected] 

Meeting every other Wednesday at 1:30 pm

Rm. 216

Student Government


Cayenne Dansby, Michael Pearl

Interest/ Philanthropy

[email protected] 


Student Support Foundation (SSF)


Jaime Clancy

Interest/ Philanthropy

[email protected] 

Meeting twice a month on Tuesday at 2:30 pm

Rm. 537

Study Buddies


Stephanie Possell

[email protected]

Community Service

Meeting every Wednesday 2:15 pm

Rm. 211

Tabletop Games


Alyssa Zurla 

[email protected]

Meeting every Monday 2:20- 4:20 pm

Rm. 502


Titan Tech Fabrication Society


Joy Harrigan

[email protected]

Interest Club

Meeting biweekly on Monday at 2:30 pm

Rm. Media Center

Titan Theatre

Edwin Budd

[email protected]

Meeting every Tuesday & Thursday 2:30 pm

Rm. 836 and Auditorium

Trackside Titans

Sabrina Nausadis

[email protected]

Fan Club for Formula 1

Meeting twice a month on Friday at 2:20 pm

Rm. 558



[email protected] 

Honor society 

Meeting once a month on Tuesday 2:00 pm

Rm. 824


Gabriela McGrew and Jaclyn "Jacy" Costello

[email protected], [email protected] 

Public Service

Meeting Tuesday per month at 2:30 pm

Rm. 409

Meeting Monday twice a month at 2:30 pm

Rm. 622

Wounded Warriors Club

John Puchien 

[email protected]


Meeting Tuesday Bi-weekly 2:30 pm

Rm. 539

Yoga Club

Heather Waddell

[email protected]


Meeting every week on Thursday 2:30 pm

Rm. 426

Young Republican and Independent Thinkers


David Lovely

[email protected] 

Political Activism

Meeting Second & Fourth Tuesday of every Month

Rm. 212

6th man 


Cayenne Dansby 

[email protected]

Interest/ Sports

Meetings once per month - part of Olympia SGA

Room 427