College & Career Center

Stephanie Johnson-Possell
 [email protected]
407-905-6400 ext. 612-6414

The College and Career Center (CCC), located in the Media Center Room 211, is a great resource for students and parents.  Students can explore and pick up information about:

College entrance exams.
Scholarships and financial aid information. 
College and career preparation tools, including the military and tech colleges.
Volunteer opportunities and community service hours.
College visits (primarily in the fall).

The CCC is open every day school is in session. Ms. Johnson Possell, Coordinator of the CCC, is available for meetings with students.  

If students would like to make an appointment please use this LINK.  Appointments opening are added daily based on the CCC event schedule.  Also please note, students there are LOTS of resources found on your Student Body Canvas under College and Career.


Full Link  to calendar if needed

Helpful links:

OCPS: Scholarship Link


Financial Aid:

FFA Application (Bright Futures):


FAFSA Application:

CSS Profile:


College Application Platforms:

Coalition Application:

Common Application:

Black Common Application: